153 High Street, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4SD

Endodontics and Complex Dental Issues

Dental problems arise when teeth are not cared for correctly. This can sometimes be due to the tricky positioning of teeth, making some areas a challenge to clean, specifically the very back teeth. Other things that may cause dental issues include trauma and accidental damage, such as falls or hits to the face. Minor damage to a tooth can cause complications further down the line. If these problems are not treated, they can lead to issues with the tooth’s root. Endodontists specialise in these types of teeth issues.

What is an Endodontist?

Endodontics refers to the treatment of the inside of teeth, including the enamel and the layer underneath. Root canal treatment is the most widely known endodontics procedure and involves the blood vessels, nerves and soft pulp. If a tooth is exposed and the enamel has suffered damage, the interior can become infected due to bacteria.

If this interior damage is addressed quickly, it may be treated before the root is harmed. Filling a tooth is the standard treatment in this case, which a regular dentist can perform. Crowns are another option if the damage is more significant. If these treatments are not carried out in time, bacteria can affect the root. Root canal therapy would be the next step in this case.

Root Canal Treatment – What is it?

An infection in the root canal does not have a permanent solution. Antibiotics are likely to be a short-term fix, and therefore root canal treatment is required to ensure a long-term solution.

Root canal is performed under a local anaesthetic. The treatment area will be numbed, and the endodontist will reach the root canal via the top section of the tooth. They will remove the infected pulp from the root canal through suction and files. Once the canal is hollow, it is cleaned, and a material called gutta-percha is used to fill the root canal. This prevents reinfection and strengthens the tooth. Once this is complete, a crown is usually applied.

After Root Canal Treatment

Once a tooth has been treated, it should be almost as strong as other teeth. However, it is advised to avoid crunching down on it when eating harder foods. This is because, without nerves, it is hard to assess the correct pressure.

Correct oral hygiene is always essential, but a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy will not have the same warning signs as other teeth if an issue were to occur. This is why you must ensure oral hygiene is prioritised.

Contact Sovereign House on 01277 205605.

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